Here at ResonateWELL, we believe there is neither competition nor hierarchy in healing, but there are certainly specialisms and dear people whose calling that is. We draw from Traditional healers, Naturopathic and Chiropractic Dr’s, herbalists, homeopaths and energy workers to bring you a selection of good people with the right level of experience and expertise to help us along the healing journey.

Here you will see a list (in no particular order) of people we are happy to recommend to you:

Zoe Bogale

Currently based in Johannesburg, Zoë Bogale is an Author with a strong focus on Self Healing and Naturopathy.

She has travelled many journey’s in her times here as a healer and channeler, who now expresses her gifts in Tarot Reading and Energy Healing using Three Dimensional Therapy.

She works with your Higher Self to gently uproot faulty or limiting belief systems whether caused by traumas or current/past experiences.

Her work eases them out and replaces them with Empowering belief systems and energy, restoring the imbalance in and of the body.

Using different modalities of healing or alternative practice, she is a firm believer of finding the deep roots of our every day issues and healing them in a holistic way with You.

Zoë works with You in person or in Distant Healing.

She is available on 0027 (0)815536849 or [email protected]

#3T Healing




Nompilo Mtshali Ndoni

Nompilo is the Director of Asaase Organics (Pty) Ltd

based in Pietermaritzburg, KZN.

A Divine Healer, Ethno-Herbalist and qualified Horticulturist, her Company produces 100% plant based and ethically sourced medicines and skin nurturing products.

In her interactions with Homeopathic Doctors, each recognise the holistic benefits of finding equilibrium in the body, mind and the environment, with emphasis on overall health rather than disease.

Nompilo is also working on other projects with focus on healing trauma, emotional, psychological and addictive behaviours, initiated and supported by means of plant ceremonies.

Her products and contact details are recommended here: