“@Resonatewell my historical work is Alchemy, I make supportive Remedy, energetic elixir drawn from Homeopathy, Bach Flower Essence, Tissue Salts, Gem, Animal and others.

These are made in Colloidal Silver or Colloidal Copper which really power up the effectiveness.


I first listen to You and then use ‘Body Code ‘ with Pendulum and Radionics to find the energetic root of what appears as surface disturbances,  imbalances, un_wellnesses, chronic or acute.

Together we gently identify and then release the blockage or limiting factors, most often stuck or trapped energies, replacing with correcting and beneficial energy.

These are triggers for us to heal, like music notes that resonate and bring the cell, organ, system, attitude or behaviour, to harmony and then to heal.

Dancing into Health

Our Purpose is to walk with you in the healing journey. That journey is one of accessing and enabling the inner and enormous capacity of our bodies for self healing. I often describe our part in that journey as one of the DJ, who has decks and tunes, which bring harmony and healing to better allow your own healing dance.

Our sessions may be in person or at any distance from you using a number of ancient and/or modern modalities.

We use ‘complementary’ methods which identify the root emotional energy causing un-wellness or dis_ease and with you, we remove that stuck energy.  This often brings immediate and remarkable results, which can of course be dependent on the particular issue, or the time it has been evident.

We are also committed to make what we do, both accessible and affordable, ask us how we do that?

Whatsapp on 0027 (0)818131310 or email at [email protected]